
Every student at Chapin receives general music instruction beginning in prekindergarten, with the option of more specialized ensemble experiences starting in grade 5. The music classroom is a place where every aspect of musical behavior is addressed: performing, creating, listening, and analyzing. 

  • As performers, students are singing songs, playing body percussion (clapping, snapping, stamping, etc.), chanting rhymes, dancing folk dances, playing singing games, and playing instruments.
  • As creators, they are acting out songs and stories, creating original dances, improvising melodies to a given rhythm, and composing their own arrangements to songs. 
  • As listeners, they are playing music as part of an ensemble and hearing their part in the context of other musicians. They are also self-evaluating as they listen, enabling them to improve their performance. 
  • As analyzers, students are describing what they hear through words, pictures, movement, solfege syllables, hand signs, and music notation.

Students in prekindergarten to grade 4 demonstrate their musical achievements through participation in seasonal concerts. Students in grades 5-8 enjoy additional opportunities to develop musical skills through small group and one-on-one instrumental instruction. They learn techniques related to rhythm, pitch, and instrumentation, and they develop skills in singing and song performance.   

In addition to a variety of musical performances throughout the grade levels, students can be involved in a number of the following ensembles:

Instrumental Music

Choral Music