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Capital and Endowment Giving

Capital Giving 

Chapin’s wonderful facilities are a result of multiple Capital Campaigns, which helped provide funding for building expansion. The most recent was Limitless Futures, an eight-million-dollar Campaign which resulted in the addition to the Lower School and the renovation and expansion of the Middle School. 


When an endowment gift is made to Chapin, the contribution is held and invested to produce ongoing income. Often, these gifts are made to create funds that will support a school priority, like financial aid or faculty support, in perpetuity. The School’s endowment is carefully overseen by the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees. Each year, about 5% of a rolling three-year average is used by the school to support faculty, students, and programs. 

If you are interested in creating an endowment, or supporting an existing fund, please contact the Advancement Office at